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ICH Plus e-News No. 174

  • Date19 Jan 2024
ICHPLUS+ Vol. 174                                                                              

ICHPLUS+ e-News is published by ICHCAP, a UNESCO Category 2 Center in the cultural heritage field. For more information about ICHCAP and its projects, visit  www.unesco-ichcap.org.

The Dynamic of Hanji in Jeonju: Challenges and Safeguarding Practices

At present, hanji in Jeonju has gained more attention by the government and tourists. Information from Jeonju Gyeonggijeon Hall also shows that there has been an attempt to reinvigorate hanji making by the Jeonju City Government between 2008 to 2013 for implementing the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty Facsimile Project. Approximately a thousand books were printed as facsimiles. Hanji was also listed as a Korean national intangible cultural heritage in September 2005. The efforts to inscribe this living heritage on the UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity also continues by the Cultural Heritage Administration.
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Mutva Embroidery from Kutch, India

Kutch, located in the western state of Gujarat, India, is known for its rich craftsmanship. It is home to several craft eco-systems, cultural heritage, and diverse communities. One such distinct group is the Mutva community, which has traveled from Sindh, Pakistan, and settled in the Banni region of Kutch almost 400 years ago. It is a pastoral community that currently lives in 8 villages, namely Dhordo, Gorewali, Patgar, Mithdi, Pannavali, Uddo, Dhordo, and Siniyado, all close to the India- Pakistan border.
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Highlighting partnerships for teaching and learning with living heritage during the UNESCO General Conference

On 17 November 2023, four key partners of theUNESCO intersectoral programme on Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in education participated in a panel titled ‘Teaching and learning with living heritage: a driver of educational relevance, innovative heritage safeguarding and well-being’. This panel was part of the Partners’ Forum held during the 42nd Session of the UNESCO General Conference. This initiative aims to leverage the collective wisdom and expertise of UNESCO’s stakeholders.
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The Third Meeting Held for ASEAN-ROK Cultural Heritage Cooperation

T he 3rd Working Committee Meeting for ASEAN-ROK Cultural Heritage Cooperation co-hosted by the Cultural Heritage Administration of the Republic of Korea, Ministry of Culture of the Kingdom of Thailand, and the ASEAN Secretariat was held in Chiang Rai, Thailand from 12 to 13 December 2023.
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