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ICH Plus e-News No. 172

  • Date19 Jan 2024
ICHPLUS+ Vol. 172                                                                               

ICHPLUS+ e-News is published by ICHCAP, a UNESCO Category 2 Center in the cultural heritage field. For more information about ICHCAP and its projects, visit  www.unesco-ichcap.org.

ICHCAP × Cinemontand YouTube channel, Create a review content for the Kazakh movie ‘Walnut Tree (2015)’

As part of the Supporting ICH Digital Content Creator project, movie review content from the Asia-Pacific region was produced. The production of this review content took place in March of this year, 2023, in collaboration with Cinemontand, a YouTube channel specializing in movie and animation reviews that is a recipient of the ICH Digital Content Creator project. The selected movie for this movie review content is ‘Walnut Tree‘ directed by Yerlan Nurmukhambetov from Kazakhstan.
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ICHCAP Advised TV ary Series ‘Handmade in Asia’ to Air

The TV ary series ‘Handmade in Asia’ will be aired every weekend for nine weeks starting from October 14. It is a collaborative production by nine private broadcasting companies nationwide, showcasing 36 unique crafts born from the hands of artisans, each embodying a singular beauty in the world. Viewers will have the opportunity to encounter intricately crafted items, steeped in the history of Asia spanning thousands of years.
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Asia-Europe Cultural Festival: 2023 Edition Programme Announced!

The Asia-Europe Cultural Festival is a public arts festival that celebrates the artistic diversity of Asia and Europe and promotes the dialogue and exchange amongst artists from the 2 regions. In 2023, the Festival will be held for the first time in Singapore from 22 October to 1 November. This year’s Festival will allow audiences in Singapore to experience a variety of events spanning dance, film, photography and music by artists from many countries such as Italy, Malaysia, Cambodia, France, Estonia, Japan and Singapore.
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We Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the 2003 Convention

A dopted on 17 October 2003, the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage celebrates its 20th anniversary. With 181 States Parties, the 2003 Convention has achieved a near-universal reach and expanded the concept of cultural heritage to highlight the importance of living heritage safeguarding.
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