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ICH Plus e-News No. 169

  • Date19 Jan 2024
ICHPLUS+ Vol. 169                                                                                  

ICHPLUS+ e-News is published by ICHCAP, a UNESCO Category 2 Center in the cultural heritage field. For more information about ICHCAP and its projects, visit  www.unesco-ichcap.org.

Global Meeting 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

This year, the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (hereafter ‘the 2003 Convention’) celebrates the 20th anniversary. To mark this occasion, a global meeting under the tagline “Unleashing the power of living heritage for sustainable development and peace” will be held in Seoul, the Republic of Korea, in July 2023. Through twenty years of implementation, the 2003 Convention has made significant contributions to culture, notably by broadening the notion of “cultural heritage” globally to include the cultural practices, expressions, knowledge system and skills that communities transmit from one generation to the next.
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Webinar : Bringing Living Heritage to the Classroom in East Asia

ICHCAP is co-organizing a webinar in East Asia on August 10 (Thursday) under the theme of “Bringing Living Heritage to the Classroom in East Asia” in collaboration with the UNESCO Beijing Office. ICHCAP has been working on the project on ICH and Education as a mean of safeguarding measure for intangible cultural heritage in formal and non-formal education since 2019, recognizing the importance of education to protect intangible heritage.
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ICHCAP Published an Exhibition Catalogue Titled “Alternative Identities: Masks of ASEAN and Korea”

ICHCAP and the KF ASEAN Culture House have published an exhibition catalogue introducing exhibits unveiled at the “Alternative Identities: Masks of ASEAN and Korea” exhibition (26 April to 23 July). Masks are representative pieces of a cultural heritage that has evolved throughout human history, transcending time and space. In particular, attention in masks, a human cultural heritage, is also increasing thanks to the November 2022 inclusion of “Talchum, Mask Dance Drama in the Republic of Korea” on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and the recent trend that pays attention to the meaning of “avatar” and “second character” in virtual reality. In this context, the diverse mask cultures of ASEAN and Korea offer an opportunity to explore cultural diversity and artistic values stemming from humanity’s universal aspirations.
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Five Countries from Asia Share “Good Practices on Sustainable Development through Traditional Crafts”

I CHCAP has recently released the publication titled “Good Practices on Sustainable Development through Traditional Crafts” on July 6th, funded by the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea. This book includes ten good practices from five Asia-Pacific countries (Nepal, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, India, and Kazakhstan), selected through the international contest in 2022. Through this publication, the authors highlight the status of traditional crafts in their respective countries and showcase how traditional crafts contribute to sustainable development within communities, focusing on policies, programs, and activities such as marketing, consulting, and capacity development.
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