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ICH Plus e-News No. 164

  • Date19 Jan 2024
ICHPLUS+ Vol. 164                                                                                  

ICHPLUS+ e-News is published by ICHCAP, a UNESCO Category 2 Center in the cultural heritage field. For more information about ICHCAP and its projects, visit  www.unesco-ichcap.org.

UNESCO MOOC Now Available in French and Spanish

How is intangible cultural heritage—or living heritage—related to sustainable development? How is it relevant for addressing today’s development challenges in areas such as health, education, gender, natural disasters, and conflict? If you are interested in finding out the answers, check out UNESCO’s innovative MOOC on living heritage and sustainable development. The course, which was released last year, is now available in French and Spanish. It will allow you to gain a better understanding of intangible cultural heritage and its relationships with sustainable development through practical examples and experiences.
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Pasifika Festival to be Held on March in Auckland, New Zealand

The Pasifika Festival is planned to be held on 18 and 19 March 2023 in Western Springs, Auckland, New Zealand. The Pasifika Festival is an annual celebration of the cultures of the South Pacific and is the largest festival in the region, loved by the local New Zealanders. The Pasifika Festival had been suspended due to Covid-19; however, it will resume this year. Prior to the main festival period, from 4 to 12 March, the Pasifika Village Games and the Pasifika Soul session programs will be held. These events are hosted by Tātaki Auckland Unlimited in celebration of the Pasifika Month.
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OPEN CALL for the International Ceramics Competition Mino

The International Ceramics Festival MINO, Japan is the biggest ceramics triennale in the world that has been held from 1986 in Tajimi, Mizunami, Toki, and Kani of Gifu prefecture, which are national special production areas of ceramics. With the main theme of “international exchange over the clay and the flame,” we support further growth of the ceramics industry and enhancement of culture through a global exchange of ceramics design and ceramics culture. The main event is the internationally recognized ceramics competition and the numerous works from countries and regions of all over the world. In addition, many other projects that are based on the ceramics industry, region, and culture of four cities are held so guests can feel and appreciate the history and attractiveness of Mino-yaki and the climate of this region.
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ICHCAP and KF ASEAN Culture House Signed MOU to Jointly Host the “Korea-ASEAN Mask Exhibition”

I CHCAP signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the KF ASEAN Culture on 2 February to co-host the Other Faces—Korea-ASEAN Mask Exhibition. The two organizations have already promoted cooperation by co-hosting the Hwahonjijeong-Celebrating the Beauty of Marriage exhibition in 2017 and the Playing ASEAN exhibition in 2018, which both played a major role in helping the public to better understand the ASEAN culture. Ji-sung Kim, Director-General of ICHCAP; In Hyuck Lee, Director-General of the ASEAN Culture House; Gyuri Bak, Director of the Information and Research Office at ICHCAP; and other staff members of both organizations attended the MoU ceremony in Jeonju.
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