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First Step towards Building a Silk Road ICH Network

ICHCAP Silk Road ICH Network © ICHCAP
ICHCAP Silk Road ICH Network © ICHCAP

On 3 April 2020, ICHCAP held a consultation meeting of local experts as the first step towards a Silk Road ICH network project (2020–2024).

Eleven participants attended the video conference was attended: Seong-in Kim, Secretary General of the Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum; Hyung-suk Moon, Head of the International Organization of Folk Arts (IOV) Korea; Pil-ho Park, former Director of the International Institute for Central-Asian Studies (IICAS); Professor Yeong-hun Son at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies; Eun-kyung Oh, Director of the Institute for Eurasian Turkic Studies; U-sang Lee, former President of International University of Korea: Curator Dae-yeong Go (Dangjin City); Professor Mi-suk Kim at Gyeongsang National University; Hyeon-jin Kim, Section Head of the International Mask Arts and Culture Organization; Curator Seung-mi Baek at the National Museum of Korea; and Du-won Jo, Researcher at the Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation.

The consultation meeting kicked off with the opening remarks of Gi Hyung Keum, Director-General of ICHCAP. Then, Seong Yong Park, Assistant Director General of ICHCAP, hosted two thematic presentations (first on the environments for the Silk Road network by Pil-ho Park (IICAS), and second on the Silk Road network project plan by ICHCAP). After the presentations, expert discussions and consultations followed. The participants agreed that the project should focus not only on increasing the visibility of ICH along the Silk Road, but also on identifying future talents and enhancing their capacities. The experts offered advice and considerations for the project, including cultural and social characteristics.

Most of the Silk Road-themed cultural projects that have been conducted by diverse organizations and experts at home and abroad emphasized tangible heritage. Thus, ICHCAP prepared this project to enhance the value of and safeguard ICH along the Silk Road, thereby promoting culture and art and facilitating sustainable development in the Silk Road region. Starting with the recent consultation meeting of local experts, ICHCAP will carry out a survey on Silk Road ICH jointly with IICAS in the first half of 2020 and hold a strategic meeting for establishing the network in the second half of the year. As the result, ICHCAP will create and start operating the Silk Road ICH network in 2021.

The project is expected to make significant contributions to enhancing the visibility and public awareness of ICH in the Silk Road region. ICHCAP will continue to cooperate not just with the participants of the meeting but also with state and local authorities and communities in the region.


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