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Three information sessions presented the International Assistance mechanism of the 2003 Convention

  • NameUNESCO
  • Date31 Mar 2022
  • CategoryUNESCO News
The ritual ceremony of the Voladores (‘flying men’) is a fertility dance performed by several ethnic groups in Mexico and Central America © Alfonso Jiménez
The ritual ceremony of the Voladores (‘flying men’) is a fertility dance performed by several ethnic groups in Mexico and Central America © Alfonso Jiménez

The International Assistance (IA) mechanism is at the very core of the 2003 Convention as it enables an effective and sustainable way of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. The IA mechanism provides dedicated resources for State Parties to implement a wide range of projects such as programs, projects, and activities dedicated to safeguarding ICH, community-based inventorying, awareness-raising, specific knowledge on safeguarding ICH in emergencies, training of local experts, and infrastructures development, to name a few.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of requests for International Assistance under the 2003 Convention has decreased over the last two years. To stimulate the use of this mechanism, as restrictions started easing, the Living Heritage Entity held three information sessions to present the aim of the International Assistance mechanism as well as the modalities and processes for applying to the fund. The recently developed toolkit was also presented to participants.

These three information sessions took place in late March and were opened to all stakeholders involved in the ICH safeguarding field.

  • For the Asia and Pacific region: 22 March 2022 from 9:00 to 11:00 (Paris time).
  • For the Latin America and the Caribbean region: 24 March 2022 from 15:30 to 17:30 (Paris time).
  • For the African, Arab and Central and Eastern European regions: 29 March 2022 from 10:00 to 12:00 (Paris time).

Don’t hesitate to get involved in safeguarding your living heritage through the International Assistance mechanism.

More information is available at https://ich.unesco.org/en/news/three-information-sessions-will-present-the-international-assistance-mechanism-of-the-2003-convention-13382


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