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Bringing education and living heritage closer together: the first global Online training of trainers course on living heritage and education ended recently

  • NameUNESCO
  • Date06 Aug 2021
  • CategoryUNESCO News
The transmission of knowledge and techniques relating to the curagua usually takes place at home among friends and family members; while at school, the identity-shaping power of the manifestation is reinforced at an early age © Centro de la Diversidad, 2014
The transmission of knowledge and techniques relating to the curagua usually takes place at home among friends and family members; while at school, the identity-shaping power of the manifestation is reinforced at an early age © Centro de la Diversidad, 2014

Living heritage has so much to offer to education and vice versa, as education is indispensable for broad-based safeguarding of living heritage in harmony with the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) on quality education. Recognizing this dual benefit that occurs when bringing education and living heritage closer together was the basis for the first edition of a global online training of trainers course that UNESCO organized with 27 education and culture specialists from 16 June to 2 July; with a second edition to follow in September to accommodate different time zones.

Three years into UNESCO’s programme on Safeguarding living heritage in formal and non-formal education, this online training course is an important step to consolidate expertise, build a community of practice and strengthen intersectoral work in this vast, rich and necessary field of action.

After conceptual discussions, participants shared an incredibly rich array of existing experiences of integrating living heritage and transformative education in projects in different parts of the world, including in Belgium, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, South Africa, Spain, Thailand and Uganda. These demonstrated concretely how this interdisciplinary approach strengthens learners’ identity and sense of belonging, brings schools and communities closer together, and improves learning outcomes and achievement across all subjects and holistically of learning for peace, active citizenship and sustainable development.

The training culminated in a dynamic session of participants sharing their plans to further innovate in bringing living heritage and education closer together. UNESCO expressed gratitude for the contribution of the specialists in shaping this much needed and groundbreaking UNESCO programme.

More Details are available here: https://ich.unesco.org/en/news/bringing-education-and-living-heritage-closer-together-the-first-global-online-training-of-trainers-course-on-living-heritage-and-education-ended-recently-13324


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