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New Momentum for UNESCO’s International Fund for the Promotion of Culture

  • NameUNESCO
  • Date30 Jun 2021
  • CategoryUNESCO News
Poster image from UNESCO
Poster image from UNESCO

The UNESCO International Fund for the Promotion of Culture (IFPC) is reaffirming its contribution to highlight the transformative force of creativity for sustainable development. The arts, in their manifold expressions and forms, encompass the aspirations of our societies and strengthen resilience and adaptation. Creativity is also a source of livelihoods for many artists and culture professionals across the world. With the adoption of the revised IFPC statutes in December 2020, the UNESCO Executive Board decided to strengthen the involvement of UNESCO’s Member States in the fund’s governance alongside internationally recognized experts in various fields of arts and culture:
  • Naima Lahbil Tagemouati, Writer (Kingdom of Morocco)
  • Xiao Quan, Photographer (People’s Republic of China)
  • Dominique Roland, Directeur of the Centre des arts in Enghien-les-Bains (France)
  • Jahangir Salimkhanov, Arts Critic and Cultural Policy Expert (Azerbaijan)
  • E. Madam Rebeca Sanchez Bello, Former Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to UNESCO (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela)
  • George Gachara, Creative industries specialist and managing partner of HEVA Fund LLP (Kenya)
  • E. Mr. Dr. Hafed Walad, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Libya to UNESCO (Libya)

This strategic decision testifies to UNESCO’s continued commitment to support artists and promote creativity at a time when the culture sector is undergoing unprecedented challenges in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The UNESCO International Fund for the Promotion of Culture has a long history of promoting artistic creativity, freedom of expression, and international cooperation in the field of arts and culture. The IFPC has contributed essential funding to cultural and creative projects around the world, providing both added visibility and valuable support to innovative projects, often led by and benefitting youth. The fund nourishes a vision of society in which the universal language of art contributes to shaping aspirations and leading social transformation.

Source: https://en.unesco.org/news/new-momentum-unescos-international-fund-promotion-culture


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