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International Webconference on the Craft of the Miller—25 March

Miller © ICHNGO Forum
Miller © ICHNGO Forum

On 5 November 2020 took place the first online conference on the topic. Almost 150 people participated from 26 countries. The conference was highly appreciated and a big step in safeguarding the craft of the miller worldwide. To follow up this success the organizers planned a second conference on the 25 March 2021, of course online.

With this second conference the organizers aim to strengthen the network further and bring together all parties who have an interest in sharing knowledge, experiences and skills in order to help maintaining the craft of the miller.

Are you a miller or in some way involved or interested in safeguarding the craft of the miller, sign up!

25 March 2021
4:00-5:30 p.m. (GMT+1)


To attend the online meeting, please register here.

Source: http://www.ichngoforum.org/international-webconference-craft-miller-25th-march/


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