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Call for Papers: Traditional Musical Instruments

  • Name
  • Date05 Aug 2020
  • CategoryNGO
Traditional musical instruments call for papers
Traditional musical instruments call for papers

At 14.COM in Bogota, the #HeritageAlive Editorial Board decided to choose traditional musical instruments as the topic for the next book. The deadline for submitting articles is 15 October 2020. The book on traditional musical instruments will be published with the assistance of ICHCAP and will be ready by the end of 2021 and presented at 16.COM.

The main purpose of the articles is to reflect NGOs’ and experts’ experiences from the field when working with projects related to musical instruments, making or performing. Rather than solely presenting an ICH element, the articles shall reflect challenges, methodology, and experiences in safeguarding and transmitting elements in the spirit of the 2003 Convention, which emphasizes the elements’ social and cultural function for a group or a community. In other words, the submitted text must be about the achievements in safeguarding ICH through specific projects or activities (the evolution of a given situation). As the main purpose of #HeritageAlive is to share experiences from the field, the articles shall preferably be made by, or in cooperation with the NGOs and the practitioners concerned.
  • First deadline will be 15 October 2020. If there is still room for more articles after October, we will open for a second call.
  • The articles should be 1,500 to 2,000 words, in English or French.
  • The articles should contain a summary around 400 words for translation into French or English
  • The articles should be submitted as text only, without images. You will be asked to submit the pictures later.
  • There will be some musical recordings associated with the publication. Details to come.
  • References / Bibliography must be in Harvard-style. Example:
    • In-text: (Shriver and Atkins, 1999, p.12)
    • In bibliography: Shriver, D.F. and Atkins, P.W. (1999). Inorganic Chemistry 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Authors are responsible for proofreading the text for misspellings before passing it to the board. Documents with excessive misspellings and grammatical issues will be returned to the author. Image files will be requested separately at a later date. All NGOs are invited to contribute.

Submissions should be sent to the publications Editor-in-Chief, Eivind Falk, eivind.falk@handverksinstituttet.no


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