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Research references on the implementation of the 2003 Convention

  • NameUNESCO
  • Date14 Nov 2019
  • CategoryUNESCO News
Disseminate research for all stakeholders 
Disseminate research for all stakeholders © UNESCO

Since the adoption of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003, a growing body of research has been undertaken on its origins, purposes, uses, implementation and impacts. While some of this research is well known and widely disseminated, a considerable portion of it remains difficult to locate.There is currently no tool to easily search this body of work, in different languages.

To address this issue, Chiara Bortolotto and Harriet Deacon created in 2012 a multilingual research bibliography. It has been further updated by Maison des Cultures du Monde in France, under the Direction of Séverine Cachat. As part of ongoing efforts to support the implementation of the Convention, the UNESCO Secretariat is hosting an online searchable database of research relating to the Convention, known as the 2003 Convention Research Bibliography.

The 2003 Convention Research Bibliography focuses on research relating to the Convention and its implementation while encompassing a wide range of perspectives and approaches. This Project intends to enhance the dissemination of ICH-related research for all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the 2003 Convention including States Parties, communities, civil society, practitioners and the UNESCO Secretariat. Moreover, this project intends to foster better communication among researchers working in the field of intangible cultural heritage. It may enhance dissemination of ICH-related research within the academic community and direct future research activities on areas of particular need.

The database aims to include both published academic research as well as ‘grey literature’ such as unpublished research reports from civil society, NGOs or government agencies. This would not include documents such as the Periodic Reports prepared by States Parties, nor capacity-building materials, which are stored and indexed on the UNESCO website.

At present, it contains more than 1000 references in 10 languages. You can now explore this interactive bibliography though this link.


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