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Call for papers: “My Cultural Identity – My Sustainable Development 2020”


The Indian Institute of Social Sciences and Folklore Research is organizing a four-day international conference on intangible cultural heritage (ICH) in joint collaboration with the Indian National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO. The conference will be held February 21–24, 2020 at Pune, India (cultural capital of the state of Maharashtra). The theme of this conference is “My Cultural Identity – My Sustainable Development (MCIMSD-2020).” The Indian Institute of Social Sciences and Folklore Research is an NGO engaged in the collection, conservation, safeguarding, and research of folklore. The institute has independent research cells entirely devoted to the studies of Aboriginals and Tribes, Indian Languages, Literature and Culture, Religion, Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Sciences, Folklore Studies, and more.

The objectives of the conference are to:
  • Understand the nature of various ICH of different countries, regions, people, tribes, and castes, and create and broadcast appropriate methods for their safeguarding.
  •  Increase awareness and interest at international level regarding ICH.
  • Make the world aware that ICH can be an important tool for sustainable development, by providing research, demonstration, awareness, and information.
  • Prove that new entrepreneurships can be created through ICH, alleviating the problem of unemployment.
  •  Highlight the vital contribution of ICH in happiness and mental wellbeing. 

Authors are invited to submit papers and essays for the conference. The submission deadline is November 30, 2019. The topics that authors will address are:
  • Oral inventions and expressions
  • Performing arts
  •  The institutions of folk religion
  • Artistic culture
  • Material culture
  •  Food culture
  • Social culture
  •  Business culture
  •  Agriculture
  • Intangibility in architecture and engineering
  • Traditional treatment methods and local herbs
  • My religious identity

For more information about the conference, please visit www.mcimsd2020.com.


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