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Call for Applications: WIPO's Training and Mentoring Program on Intellectual Property for Women Entrepreneurs from Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

  • NameWIPO
  • Date13 Aug 2019
  • CategoryUNESCO News

WIPO is launching the “Project-Based Training and Mentoring Program on Intellectual Property for Women Entrepreneurs from Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities” (the Program). Through this Program, candidates will learn how to make strategic and effective use of intellectual property (IP) rights in support of projects based on traditional knowledge (TK) and traditional cultural expressions (TCEs). The deadline for applications is 30 August 2019

The Program has a practical approach and consists of training and mentoring phases. The training phase will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 11 to 15 November 2019.

Participants will:
  • acquire basic knowledge of the main principles, systems and tools of the IP system as they relate to TK and TCEs
  • share and learn from each other’s experiences and meet potential partners that can provide support with the implementation of their projects
  • further develop and implement TK or TCEs-based projects that have an IP component

The mentoring phase will take place in 2020. During this phase, participants are expected to implement the project they have selected. Mentors will be assigned to guide the implementation of the IP components of the projects. Mentoring will principally take place through email and phone. WIPO will cover the costs of the Geneva-based training. WIPO will not provide financial support to the implementation of the participants’ projects.

The Program could, for example:
  • assist creative and innovative entrepreneurs to sustainably brand and commercialize TK and TCEs-based products and services
  • help identify and manage the IP issues that can arise in the context of TK and TCEs documentation and digitization projects
  • help folk, art and cultural festival organizers, but also artists, performers and exhibitors at such festivals, to monitor and manage the use of IP rights in that context

More information and the application form can be found at: www.wipo.int/tk/en/women_entrepreneurs/ Contact at: grtkf@wipo.int


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