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Survey: How Living Heritage Is Used for Teaching and Learning in Asia-Pacific Schools

  • Name
  • Date05 Jul 2019
  • CategoryUNESCO News
An example of living heritage ⓒ Shutterstock Michal Knitl via UNESCO Bangkok
An example of living heritage ⓒ Shutterstock Michal Knitl via UNESCO Bangkok

Living heritage—music and dance, rituals, knowledge about our environment, etc.—is everywhere around us. UNESCO is conducting a survey to understand how living heritage is used for teaching and learning in primary and secondary schools in the Asia-Pacific.

This survey was launched by the UNESCO Bangkok office and ICHCAP, and it is sponsored by the Cultural Heritage Administration in the Republic of Korea.

UNESCO would like to hear from participants before 15 August 2019.

If you are a teacher: ICH in schools_survey for teachers

If you are a principal, vice-principal, or a member of the school management team: ICH in schools_survey for school managers

More details on this survey and forms in different languages can be found here: https://bangkok.unesco.org/content/have-your-say-how-living-heritage-used-teaching-and-learning-asia-pacific-schools


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