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Call for Applications: International Fund for Cultural Diversity UNESCO

  • Name
  • Date03 Jun 2019
  • CategoryUNESCO News

UNESCO will be accepting proposals for innovative projects in the framework of its 10th IFCD call for applications until 13 June 2019 (midnight, Paris time).

The International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) is a multi-donor fund established by the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005) to support its implementation in developing countries.

IFCD invests in projects that lead to structural change through
  • the introduction and/or elaboration of policies and strategies that have a direct effect on the creation, production, distribution of and access to diverse cultural expressions, including cultural goods, services, and activities
  • the reinforcement of human and institutional capacities of public sector and civil society organizations deemed necessary to support viable local and regional cultural industries and markets in developing countries

Public authorities/institutions and NGOs from developing countries that are Party to the 2005 Convention as well as international NGOs are all eligible to apply.

More detail about this IFCD call for applications can be found at https://en.unesco.org/creativity/ifcd/apply


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