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Report of the ICH Workshop in Tuvalu as a Practical Guide for the Pacific

Report of ICH workshop in Tuvalu 2017 ⓒ UNESCO
Report of ICH workshop in Tuvalu 2017 ⓒ UNESCO

The publication “Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Development in Tuvalu” is a report the first intangible cultural heritage (ICH) workshop held in Funafuti in 2017. Linking its discussions to the Tuvalu National Culture Policy (TNCP): Strategic Plan 2018 to 2024 and including the forms and questionnaires in Annex, the publication is a practical guide for organizing ICH workshops in Tuvalu and the Pacific.

Tuvalu became party to the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in May 2017. Following this, the Ministry of Home Affairs and Rural Development organized an ICH Workshop in Funafuti in July 2017. The objective of this workshop was to start building capacity to implement the ICH Convention in Tuvalu. In October 2017, the ministry organized a consultation on TNCP: Strategic Plan 2018 to 2024. Both activities had the common goal to integrate culture in sustainable development within the framework of the Tuvalu National Strategy for Sustainable Development (2016 to 2020).

The publication presents a summary of the discussions and key presentations at the ICH workshop in Tuvalu and highlights its links to the objectives and strategic initiatives related to ICH safeguarding in the TNCP. Its annex includes standard forms and questionnaires for ICH inventorying activities.

The publication is a record of the milestone for the culture sector in Tuvalu and a practical guide for organizing ICH workshops and inventorying activities in Tuvalu and Pacific island states.

More details about this can be found at http://www.unesco.org/new/en/apia/about-this-office/single-view/news/report_of_the_ich_workshop_in_tuvalu_as_a_practical_guide_fo/


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