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19 October: Deadline for the Electronic Consultation on the Role of Accredited NGOs under the Convention

  • Name
  • Date18 Oct 2018
  • CategoryUNESCO News

The deadline (19 October 2018) is approaching for the 176 accredited non-governmental organizations and the 178 States Party to fill out the online questionnaire on the role of accredited NGOs under the Convention. This electronic consultation is organized as a first step in the reflection on the advisory functions of accredited NGOs, launched in 2017 by the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

This reflection process focuses on the possible ways in which the participation of NGOs could be further enhanced and how this would be reflected in the accreditation and renewal mechanisms of NGOs.

A background note and weblinks to the questionnaire were initially sent to all accredited NGOs and States Party in September 2018. As responses to the questionnaire will serve as a basis for redefining the future of accredited NGOs in the life of the 2003 Convention, the Secretariat (ich-ngo@unesco.org) looks forward to receiving a broad range of ideas and suggestions. More details about this is available on the UNESCO website.


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