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UNESCO Launches a Website for the International Year of Indigenous Languages

  • Name
  • Date16 Aug 2018
  • CategoryUNESCO News
세계토착언어의 해 웹사이트 화면 ©  유네스코
세계토착언어의 해 웹사이트 화면 © 유네스코


The International Day of the World's Indigenous People's is well-timed for UNESCO to launch a special website dedicated to the international year of indigenous languages (IY2019), which will be commemorated by UNESCO’s members and partners throughout 2019.

The website will contribute to raising awareness about this international year and about the urgent need to preserve, revitalize, and promote indigenous languages around the world. There are some six to seven thousand languages in the world today. About 97 percent of the world’s population speaks only 4 percent of these languages, while only 3 percent of the world speak 96 percent of all remaining languages. A great majority of those languages, spoken mainly by indigenous peoples, will continue to disappear at an alarming rate. Without appropriate measure to address this issue, the further loss of languages and their associated history, traditions, and memory would considerably reduce the rich tapestry of linguistic diversity worldwide.

On the website, relevant stakeholders and interested parties can find information about the plans for celebrating IY2019, the actions and measures to be taken by United Nations agencies, governments, indigenous peoples’ organizations, civil society, academia, the public and private sector, and other interested entities. Furthermore, this website will include a calendar of events; partners’ space for collaboration; access to resources in video, audio, image, and text formats; and information about different partnership modalities and sponsorship benefits. Users will learn as well about events in their respective regions and discover how to participate, contribute, and benefit from the rich variety of activities.

Please register to become part of this global initiative.


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