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Call for Papers: Publication on Traditional Medicine

  • Name
  • Date16 Feb 2017
  • CategoryNGO
Heritage Alive Editorial Board 2016
Heritage Alive Editorial Board 2016

Together with ICHCAP, #Heritage Alive is planning to publish a book on traditional medicine in 2017. Established in 2013, #Heritage Alive is the UNESCO-accredited ICH NGO Forum’s journal for exchanging field experiences. Under the theme traditional medicine, the book is planned to be presented at Intergovernmental Committee Meeting (12.COM) in Korea (4-8 December 2017). This presentation will be part of the planned NGO symposium that will take place before 12.COM.
Rather than an academic papers, #Heritage Alive is looking for narrative articles that allow the contributors to share practical field experiences. Submissions should align to the following criteria:
  • Theme Traditional medicine, and the articles approach shall be exchange of experiences from the field
  • Word count 2,000-4,000 words
  • Language English or French
  • Submissions to Eivind.falk@handverksinstituttet.no
  • Deadline 1 May 2017, early submissions welcomed

Please note that the author is responsible for editing the text for spelling and grammar. Submissions with abundant errors will be returned to the author.

Questions should be submitted to Eivind Falk at Eivind.falk@handverksinstituttet.no.


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