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Educational project for transmission of Common cultural heritage, Ponte...nas Ondas!

Audio programs for elementary school students © PNO Official Facebook
Audio programs for elementary school students © PNO Official Facebook

In 2022, ‘Ponte…nas ondas! (PNO!)’ was registered as UNESCO’s Best Practices for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage by Spain and Portugal. PNO is an association established for the purpose of safeguarding and disseminating shared ICH in the border areas of Spain and Portugal, and also is an educational project to transmit the shared heritage to the next generation.

In celebration of Radio Day in 1995, a bridge was opened across the Rio Miño River located on the border between Salvaterra de Miño region in Spain and Monção region in Portugal. From that day, schools in both countries initiated the project introducing their shared heritage and culture through radio broadcasting in both regions. Broadcasting studios were established in by sixteen elementary and middle schools in each region. Initially, broadcasts were conducted in Galician and Portuguese, but Spanish was later included as educational associations and organizations from Argentina, Cuba, Chile, and Colombia joined in for the program.

Currently, the Fonte… nas ondas! Association organizes programs for the younger generation, such as inventorying elements, traditional game activities, and oral tradition storytelling, to transmit the shared ICH of Spanish Galicia-Portugal region, to promote their active participation. It also carry out all stages of education programs for preschoolers to university students. Moreover, as part of 'Escolas nas Ondas' project for broadcasting audiovisual programs, the association supports school students in both regions to be trained to make audio-visual programs on their oral tradition, and have them broadcasted on its own website. PNO! Has been establishing its own value as a representative model for education in transmitting traditional culture.


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