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Second ICH Youth Creators Program in Progress

Video of Thailand’s Puppet Shows Hun Krabok © First ICH Youth Creator, Park Minkyung
Video of Thailand’s Puppet Shows Hun Krabok © First ICH Youth Creator, Park Minkyung

ICHCAP began operating the Second Youth ICH Creator Program starting this month. The five selected creators will be onboarded for four months from 1 September through 30 December 2022. They will produce new content related to ICH.

The goals of the project are promoting ICH safeguarding activities in the Asia-Pacific region to youth and strengthening the capacity of content-making in cooperation with ICHCAP. The team is separated into three categories: video, card news (a format popular in Korea in which a news story is presented as a slide show), and design.

ICHCAP has created an open ICH content production environment so that students can utilize their individuality and ideas. Through ICH content produced by synergy between students and ICHCAP, consensus was formed with various age groups. During the first period of collaboration with college student ICH creators, social media engagement with the center increased.

The second ICH creator project for college students also plans to create novel content that can promote the value of ICH in the Asia-Pacific region through various methods. Some of the videos made by the first and second cohorts of ICH student creators can be found on the ICHCAP YouTube channel, while examples of card news and design projects have been posted on ICHCAP’s Instagram and Facebook pages.
Second ICH Youth Creators Program in Progress 사진1
Second ICH Youth Creators Program in Progress 사진2
Second ICH Youth Creators Program in Progress 사진3


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