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Bringing Living Heritage to the Classroom, National Workshop to be held on 1 to 4 November in Nepal

Pilot class in Nepal, 2021 (c) UNESCO Kathmandu
Pilot class in Nepal, 2021 (c) UNESCO Kathmandu

ICHCAP will hold the national workshop on brining living heritage to the classroom in cooperation with the UNESCO Kathmandu Office from November 1 to 4, 2022 in Kathmandu, Nepal

ICHCAP and the UNESCO Kathmandu invites about 80 local participants in Nepal, including school teachers, school managers, NGOS, community members such as bearers as well as government officials from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

This workshop has been designed to use new methodology and materials developed by the UNESCO Bangkok for teachers in the actual school education so that more local teachers are able to use their ICH in their classes.

Furthermore, we expect that various ICH stakeholders such as policy makers and community members who are invited to the workshop will suggest strategies for using ICH in the education field during the workshop.

Meanwhile, ICHCAP has recognized the importance of education in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and has conducted the project named ‘Brining Living Heritage to the Classroom in Asia-Pacific” to contribute to achieving the 2030 SDG agenda Goal 4 on quality education.


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