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Significance of the JIAPICH Online Ceremony & Festival

AD Banner for Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage  ©  The Secretariat for the JIAPICH
AD Banner for Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage © The Secretariat for the JIAPICH

Jeonju City which established the "Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (JIAPICH)" took the initiative to transmit, safeguard, and promote ICH around the world as the local government. Jeonju City is a cultural hub city of Korea with rich ICH resources. The identity of the city comes from creativity, based on Korean tradition and culture, which is linear with the Spirit of UNESCO and safeguarding ICH.

Jeonju City is proud to set another milestone in the field of ICH by enacting the awards. The awards are towards the universal values ​​of humanity transcending nation, ethnic, religion, or gender. Jeonju City wishes the awards to play a role in the networking of the global ICH community, the development of human culture, and the sustainable development of international ICH.

Jeonju City believes that its ICH left by the previous generation can be a valuable asset in the 4th industrial revolution era. Far from regarding ICH as merely old and obsolete, Jeonju City is trying to transform it into the digital heritage and move on to becoming a smart city. Jeonju City has always been at the forefront for the safeguarding ICH, opening a new era even in the age of advanced science and technology.

The awards have gained great positive feedbacks from around the world. The third annual Jeonju ICH Awards received forty-four applicants from twenty-nine different countries applied for it.

"Jeonju International Awards for Promoting ICH" will continue to honor the contributors to the safeguarding of ICH and its transmission. Jeonju City anticipates being the lighthouse of hope for all ICH holders, groups, and individuals who are striving to safeguard ICH.

Upcoming Schedule

The Jeonju City invites the world to join us for the 2021 JIAPICH Online Ceremony & Festival!
The 2021 JIAPICH Online Ceremony is scheduled to be broadcasted on YouTube on Thursday, October 7th, 2021 at 21:00 Korean Time (GMT+9) & proceeding the Online Ceremony, Online Zoom festival will be held on the same date at 22:00 Korean Time (GMT+9)

Type in ‘CICS in Korea’ on YouTube to watch the Online Ceremony & copy and past the following Link on the internet browser to join us for the Online Zoom Festival! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85346231061


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