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E-symposium on ICH for Sustainable Management of Historic Towns in South Asia: Theory to Practice

Poster image. © NSCICH
Poster image. © NSCICH

National Scientific Committee of Intangible Cultural Heritage and EPWG, ICOMOS India, welcomes you to an e- Symposium on INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE for sustainable management of HISTORIC TOWNS in South Asia: Theory to Practice (June-July 2021). Spanning five webinars, the e-symposium is intended to serve as a platform for sharing and exchange of ideas that will support developing insights on the interrelationships between tangible and intangible elements, especially in context of historic towns and the approaches for good practice in South Asia.  The event will bring together experts and emerging professionals from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Please keep in mind that the first two webinars have already been held, but there are still open seats available for the three remaining webinars that will be held in July 2021.

Please register in advance for this webinar series/event: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkcuusqTwvE9GcAUZWGeuE-zrSFgVvGbCz

Poster image. Click to enlarge.

List of speakers.



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