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Heritage and Our Sustainable Future Online Conference

  • Name
  • Date18 Feb 2021
  • CategoryICH News
Poster Image/ Praxis at the University of Leeds and the UK NATCOM for UNESCO
Poster Image/ Praxis at the University of Leeds and the UK NATCOM for UNESCO

Agreed in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) unite 193 Governments with the shared aim of leaving both our planet and societies on a sustainable footing for future generations. No poverty, clean energy, sustainable cities and quality education are among the challenging targets that must be met no later than 2030. The pressure is on, and it’s all hands-on deck with experts from across the globe rallying to this call. Since cultural heritage is an expression of human communities through diverse media, experts work to safeguard all manners of heritage: from vast buildings, works of art and folklore, to artefacts, language and landscapes. The shared goal, however, is simple: preserve the past so that future generations might enjoy, benefit and learn from its legacy.

Likewise, the Sustainable Development sector works to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. With support from the AHRC, the UK National Commission for UNESCO and Praxis at the University of Leeds are therefore hosting ‘Heritage and Our Sustainable Future: Research, Practice, Policy and Impact’, an upcoming virtual conference from 22 February to 2 March. Here we will bring together a diverse range of cultural heritage and sustainable development contributors, including policymakers, practitioners and researchers, but also non-governmental organizations (NGOs), museums, private sector representatives and other stakeholders from across the globe. United by the shared goal of collaboration for sustainable progress, the conference will explore how best to utilize cultural heritage research on the ground to drive forward the SDGs, especially in Official Development Assistance (ODA)-eligible countries.

Registration is available at https://www.nomadit.co.uk/heritage-and-our-sustainable-future/registration, and additional information is available at https://www.nomadit.co.uk/heritage-and-our-sustainable-future/index.


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