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2021 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage

2021 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting ICH
2021 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting ICH

The citizens of Jeonju are fully aware of the significance of intangible cultural heritage and its need for safeguarding. In particular, they have long recognized and emphasized its power as a resource for enhancing the social, economic, environmental, cultural conditions, as well as tending to the aspirations of all the people living in the global community.

The purpose of the Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage is to encourage the model safeguarding practices of intangible cultural heritage in the global community regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religion, race, age, gender, or any other political, social, economic or cultural orientation. The model safeguarding practices of intangible cultural heritage shall include any effective method or approach.

The awards are open to Living Human Treasurers (practitioners), groups, communities, administrators, researchers, NGOs, and those who have made substantial contributions for promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Eligibility Criteria

The awards shall go to individual or groups that practice good safeguarding practices of ICH.

Or the awards shall go to local communities, administrators, NGOs or other institutions that practice the modeling development, social solidarity, and cooperation throughout safeguarding practices of ICH.

Or the awards shall go to the individual or groups that have contained international visibility by raising cultural pride of their community during transmitting of ICH.

Or the awards shall go to the individuals or groups that achieve exemplary outstanding performance by practicing cultural diversity through the safeguarding and transmission process of ICH. The awards shall go to the individuals or groups that take the lead in good safeguarding practices of ICH in the global community regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religion, race, age, gender, or any other political, social, economic or cultural orientation.

Important Dates

February 1, 2021: Open to download 2021 JIAPICH application
March 1, 2021: Start of the application submission date
April 30, 2021: Due date for the application
July 1, 2021: Start of the verification process
July 30, 2021: End of the verification process
August 1, 2021: 2021 JIAPICH Finalist(s) Announced
September (dates TBD), 2021: JIAPICH Award Ceremony (online ceremony TBD)

Adjudication Criteria

Efficient cases of safeguarding practices of Intangible Cultural Heritage and of activating the power and its significance for the future development of the global community as well as for social cohesion, cooperation, and visibility of identity. A good example that has made a significant contribution to the viability of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Additional information about submitting applications and other important information is available here.


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