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Cambodian Living Arts Open Call for Storytelling Workshop

  • Name
  • Date06 Feb 2020
  • CategoryICH News
Open Call for Storytelling Workshop Ⓒ Cambodian Living Arts
Open Call for Storytelling Workshop Ⓒ Cambodian Living Arts

Cambodian Living Arts plan to held the Storytelling Workshop, which will be held from 17 to 22 February 2020 in collaboration with EX-THEATRE ASIA/EX-亞洲劇團. This workshop will focus on the technical aspect of structuring an historical story, contemporary or imaginary, for a stage performance.

This organization is supported by Amrita Performing Arts to develop a curriculum for a four-week training workshop on production management. They have run this training in 2016, 2017, and 2018. The training and workshops focus on skills and knowledge that artists and other professionals say they need. This ranges from artistic skills to technical skills, such as sound and light, and management skills.

Cambodian Living Arts offers eight places for applicants who have previous experience in writing short stories, such as novels, poetry, journalism, and script as well as experience in performance.
Please send us your CV and letter of intention. More details are available here.


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