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2020 Jeonju International Awards now Accepting Applications

 2020 Jeonju International Awards ⓒ Jeonju City
2020 Jeonju International Awards ⓒ Jeonju City

The Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage funded by the City of Jeonju is to encourage safeguarding practice of ICH in the global community regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religion, race, age, gender, or any other political, social, economic, or cultural orientation. The ICH safeguarding practices shall include any effective method or approach.


-Prize Funds: Total US$30,000 for 1 to 5 Individual/Group(s)

-Selection Procedure
Basic Screening (April), Final Review (May), Public Verification (June), Announcement of the Awardee(s) (Ceremony, September, TBA)

- Adjudication Criteria
a. Efficient good cases of safeguarding practices of intangible cultural heritage and of activating the power and its significance for the future development of a global community as well as for social cohesion, cooperation, and visibility of identity.
b. A good example that has made a significant contribution to the viability the intangible cultural heritage is concerned.

-How to Apply and Submit
a. Submission Dates: January 1 (Wed.) to March 30 (Mon.), 2020
b. Application: The application form is available in the following websites: www.jeonju.go.kr, www.cics.center, www.ichngo.net, and http://jiapich.org/jiapich2020/.
c. Requirements: PDF file submission
Application form (Appendix 1), letter of recommendation (Appendix 2), letter of agreement (Appendix 3), curriculum vitae (within a thousand words), supporting documents


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