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Asian Culture Week to be held October: Harmony of Diverse Asian Cultures

  • NameACC
  • Date04 Oct 2019
  • CategoryICH News
Traditional Asian orchestra performance in 2016 ⓒ ACC
Traditional Asian orchestra performance in 2016 ⓒ ACC

The Asia Culture Center (ACC) will hold the Asian Culture Week from 17 to 27 October  2019 in Gwangju to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the center. Thirty-seven Asian countries will join the event that will feature international conferences to facilitate exchange and networking among the participating countries in the field of culture and arts as well as diverse public programs to allow people to enjoy and experience different cultures.

Among the international conferences and forums, a special meeting of culture ministers from Korea and ten ASEAN countries will take place on 23 and 24 October. The Asian culture network symposium will be held on 26 October, in which stakeholders from major culture and arts institutions in Asia will participate. The Asian culture forum, which will take place from 17 to 20 October, will invite people working in the field of culture and arts both locally and globally with the aim of generating policy suggestions and collaboration for the development of Gwangju as the cultural hub city.

The organizers have also prepared diverse programs for the general public, which include Asian culture booths and Asian cultural performances, where visitors can experience the rich culture and art traditions of Asia; a performance by a traditional Asian orchestra consisting of Korean and ASEAN musicians; and a dance showcase by Asian choreographers. There will be other interesting programs as well, including an Asian ICH film festival, jointly organized by ICHCAP and EBS and an Indian film festival.


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