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Call for Papers, Videos, and e-Exhibitions: Digital Technologies and ICH

Memoriamedia Review
Memoriamedia Review

Memoriamedia project has a peer-reviewed e-journal dedicated to promoting, communicating, and documenting projects, studies, and archives of intangible cultural heritage. For this issue, authors are invited to submit unpublished papers, videos, or e-exhibitions about digital technology and ICH.

Memória Imaterial CRL is a Portuguese ngo accredited to provide advisory services to the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Since 2008, Memória Imaterial CRL has been collecting and promoting traditional, oral, and popular culture through its Memoriamedia Project.

Memoriamedia is grounded on the urge to identify, register, preserve, and promote folktales, legends, proverbs, and other forms of traditional and oral culture: the skills and knowledge of ancient artisans and the uses and rites prevailing in day-to-day professional, social, and family circles. Produced material is uploaded on the website www.memoriamedia.net.

Deadline for submission – 10 October 2019

Publication – December 2019

Areas of interest related to digital technologies and ICH include the following topics:
  • ICH, video, sound and image records;
  • ICH, 3D, virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality;
  • PCI, streaming, social media and networking;
  • Identification and awareness of ICH significance;
  • Research, documentation and inventory of ICH;
  • Transmission (formal and informal) of ICH;
  • Education, training and capacity building on ICH;
  • Dissemination, information, and promotion of ICH;
  • Planning, financing and agency in safeguarding ICH;
  •  Nomination files and inscription on ICH UNESCO lists;
  • ICH and sustainable development; and
  • ICH and ethical issues.

All papers, videos, and e-exhibitions will be peer-reviewed by editors and two members of the editorial board. Editors can request the opinion of peer-reviews who constitute an ad hoc list.

All submissions are reviewed based on their relevance, originality, and clearness.

More information about MEMORIAMEDIA Review and submission guidelines at: https://review.memoriamedia.net/index.php/submission/guidelines


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