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Tenth Colloquium on Silk Road Studies by the Eurasia and the Turkic Institute, Dongduk Women’s University

The participants of the Colloquiumⓒ The Eurasia and the Turkic Institute
The participants of the Colloquiumⓒ The Eurasia and the Turkic Institute

On 20 September, The Institute Eurasian and Turkic Studies (Director Dr. Eunkyung Oh) held the tenth Colloquium on Silk Road Studies at the Centennial Memorial of Dongduk Women’s University. With facilitation of Dr. Oh, Prof. Dongki Sung presented the history and culture of Uzbekistan, which was comprehensive and informative in various fields, including geography, people, language, history, and social and cultural aspects.

After the lecture were Q & A and discussion sections with participant contributions made up of scholars, experts, and master and doctorate students in Silk Road studies. Among them, Prof. Daewan Jun, Keimyung University, based on his experience as a former Korean ambassador to Uzbekistan, explained the important role of Uzbekistan in relation to Silk Road studies. In addition, Seong Yong Park, Assistant Director General of ICHCAP, spoke about the recent tripartite MoU among ICHCAP and Uzbekistan authorities and the future directions of collaborative work in the ICH field by facilitating information and networking in the Silk Road area.

Dr. Oh conveyed her appreciation for the enthusiastic presentations and discussions of the participants and announced that colloquia will be held monthly.


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