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"Nowruz in Seoul" Held to Celebrate Nowruz, a Spring Festival in Central Asia

  • NameJinhee Oh
  • Date21 Mar 2019
  • CategoryICH News
KF Global Brige Central Asia Spring Festival ⓒ KF
KF Global Brige Central Asia Spring Festival ⓒ KF

The Korea Foundation (KF) Global Bridge—The "Nowruz in Seoul" festival is running from 20 March to 28 April 2019.

Nowruz is celebrated in countries across the Middle East and Central Asia to mark the new year and the beginning of spring. In 2009, Nowruz was inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by seven countries. In 2016, Nowruz was re-designated as a multinational practice shared by twelve countries.

The Nowruz in Seoul festival is being held under the theme of the Nowruz celebrations of five Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan). Through exhibitions, films and performances, it presents various cultures and arts that are not well known to Koreans.

One of the major festival events is the exhibition, Nowruz—Spring of Central Asia, which was launched on 20 March at the KF Gallery in Seoul. The exhibition introduces Nowruz and other cultural practices related to the necessities of life. The exhibition has also prepared ten picture books (translated), the first of its kind in Korea, to provide visitors with a better understanding of the intangible cultural heritage that reflects the identity of Central Asia.

An evening film screening on Central Asian culture will be held every Wednesday from 10 to 25 April at the seminar room of the KF. The street festival takes place on 27 and 28 April in areas around Cheonggye Plaza in Seoul. The event features performances of traditional and contemporary artists from the five Central Asian countries as well as festival booths that include food, tourism, and activities. ICHCAP will also join the street event to showcase Central Asian ICH videos that were produced with the support of the center.


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