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Public Consultation on Items to Inscribe on Macau’s ICH List

Public consultation on items on Macau's ICH List ⓒ Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macau
Public consultation on items on Macau's ICH List ⓒ Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macau

To strengthen safeguarding efforts of Macau’s intangible cultural heritage, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym) drew up a list of intangible cultural heritage in accordance with Article 79 of the Cultural Heritage Protection Law and  launched a thirty-day public consultation on the items recommended for inscription, thereby welcoming opinions from all sectors of society.

Twelve items have been recommended to be inscribed on the list of intangible cultural heritage—Yueju Opera (Cantonese Opera), Herbal Tea Brewing, Religious Figure Woodwork Carving, Cantonese Naamyam (Narrative Songs), Taoist Ritual Music, Festival of the Drunken Dragon, Beliefs and Customs of A-Ma, Beliefs and Customs of Na Tcha, Macanese Gastronomy, Patua Theatre, the Procession of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus, and the Procession of Our Lady Fatima. The public consultation is running from 13 March until 11 April 2019, and a consultation session will be held at the Conference Room of the Macao Cultural Centre at 3:00 pm on 23 March with Portuguese and sign language translations provided. All residents are welcome to express their opinions through mail, fax, e-mail, and website or in person during the consultation period. More details are available at http://www.icm.gov.mo/en/news/detail/17305


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