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Fifth nipaluna/Hobart Language Day

5th Hobart Language Day ⓒ Matthew Bishop
5th Hobart Language Day ⓒ Matthew Bishop

The fifth edition of nipaluna/Hobart Language Day will celebrate language diversity in Hobart on Saturday, 30 March 2019, from 10 am to 2 pm on the Parliament Lawns, Hobart.

This event is organized every year to promote language diversity in our city and the state of Tasmania. nipaluna is the aboriginal name of city Hobart in palawa kani, the language of Tasmanian aboriginals.

This year’s focus is on indigenous languages as part of the worldwide celebration of International Year of Indigenous Languages declared by the United Nations.

The palawa kani language will be present with special performances, activities, and speeches organized by the Tasmania Aboriginal Centre.

Hobart Language Day will celebrate the richness of our languages with activities such as workshops in different calligraphy (as Mandarin, Japanese, Farsi, etc) and handwriting sessions, and the opportunity to practice, converse, and read in these and other languages than English.

The Hobart Language Day is an opportunity for everybody who speaks some language, to come and share their interest, value, and taste for books and languages. At the same time, to show our Hobart community that we are enriching the Tasmanian and Australian cultural landscape together.

The language day has support from the Hobart Council, Tasmanian Government, Bendigo bank, HobartFM, and Tasmanian Association of Multicultural Development Inc.


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