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2018 World Forum for Intangible Cultural Heritage Opened a New Chapter

  • NameJinhee Oh
  • Date31 Oct 2018
  • CategoryICH News
Participants in the 2018 World Forum for ICH ⓒ CICS
Participants in the 2018 World Forum for ICH ⓒ CICS

From 25 to 27 October, the 2018 World Forum for Intangible Cultural Heritage was held at the National Intangible Heritage Center (NIHC) in Jeonju, Korea.

The 2018 (2nd) forum was hosted by the NIHC and the Center for Intangible Culture Studies (CICS). It opened a new chapter in the discussion on the future of ICH and its potential roles under the theme of “Intangible Cultural Heritage and Peacemaking” among participants from twelve countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, and the Americas.

The sub-topics included: “How to make a contribution of safeguarding of ICH to social cohesion and resolving disputes?”; “How have ICH been and become endangered under the threats of war, immigration and natural disasters? What are the implications of these processes for endangerment?”; and “What efforts should be made to encourage and expand the discourse of ‘hope and peace’ through ICH for future generations?”.

The first day began with the keynote speech by Marielza Oliveira, Director of UNESCO Beijing Cluster Office, who shared her thoughts on how to pursue peace through ICH. On the second day, detailed presentations and discussions were provided on “ICH Contributing to Japanese Post-Disaster Rehabilitation,” “ICH and Peace-Building in Bangladesh,” “Intangible Cultural Values and the Promotion of Peaceful Coexistence: Perspectives on the Argungu International Fishing and Cultural Festival in Nigeria,” “Long Chant—the Essence of Mongolian Traditional Song,” and “Mutual Cooperation of Czech and Slovak Puppeteers in the Recognition of the Local History and Present in Connection with the Registration in ICH.” The sessions on the last day included presentations on “Cooperation in Regional Craftsmanship as a Culture of Sharing: Werkraum Bregenzerwald, Austria” and “Transmission Process and Communication Style of Gochang Nongak.”

Meanwhile, the UNESCO ICH Safeguarding Convention recognizes that the safeguarding of ICH is an invaluable resource for overcoming a series of crises facing human society and peacemaking and peace building.


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