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The 6th International Festival of ICH in Chengdu, China

  • Name
  • Date08 Jun 2017
  • CategoryICH News
 © Chengdu Executive Committee
© Chengdu Executive Committee

The 6th International Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage will take place from 10 to 18 June in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. The festival was initiated in 2007 to celebrate the country’s Cultural Heritage Day. For the past ten years, the festival has established itself as a major ICH event enjoyed by both locals and foreign visitors while serving as a functional and interactive platform for the implementation of the 2003 Convention. It is being co-hosted by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and the People’s Government of Sichuan Province. UNESCO has been supporting the event since its second year.

The main venue for this year’s festival is ICH EXPO Park in Chengdu. Starting with the opening ceremony on 10 June, the event will offer various programs, including an international ICH forum and local and global performances and exhibitions related to ICH. The forum, in particular, will address the theme of the 2003 Convention and safeguarding practices.

The festival will welcome hundreds of participants from around the world, including those from UNESCO, cultural ministries, ICH-related agencies, international organizations, academia, and NGOs as well as tens of thousands of visitors. For further details about the festival programs or other information, refer to the official tourism information site of Chengdu.


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