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The Tenth Session of the General Assembly of the 2003 Convention Held


The tenth session of the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage was convened at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 11 to 12 June 2024. As the sovereign body of the Convention, the General Assembly welcomed over 600 delegates representing 137 countries among the 183 States Parties to the 2003 Convention.

Ms. Fumiko Ohinata, newly appointed Secretary, presented the secretariat report. Mr. Mauriusz Lewicki from Poland was elected Chair, with vice-chairs selected from Luxembourg, El Salvador, Vietnam, Ethiopia, and Morocco. Mr. Souleymane Konate of Mali was elected as rapporteur. These dignitaries presided over deliberations addressing various agendas and requests from intergovernmental committees.

Over the two-day session, States Parties engaged in discussions crucial to the global safeguarding of living heritage and the Convention’s future. Agenda items of particular significance included the broader implementation of Article 18 of the Convention, proposed amendments to the Operational Directives, the Plan for the use of the resources of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund, accreditation of non-governmental organizations, and the election of 12 new Committee members. Notably, the Secretariat presented findings from a survey conducted as part of follow-up measures to the Seoul Vision, shaping the direction for the 2026-2029 strategic plan and expanding  thematic initiatives.

Following the conclusion of the General Assembly, the Secretariat and Category 2 Centres specializing in intangible cultural heritage convened for their Annual Coordination Meeting. Discussions focused on the thematic initiatives pursued by each centre, suggestions on UNESCO’s educational platforms, and strategies to enhance collaboration between UNESCO and the Category 2 Centres. Furthermore, updates were provided on the imminent renewal and forthcoming agreements concerning ICHCAP.

For Detailed information on the tenth session of the General Assembly, please visit UNESCO Website.  

The Tenth Session of the General Assembly of the 2003 Convention Held 사진1


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