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The Cultural Heritage Administration held a policy meeting with ASEAN Committee in Seoul

The Cultural Heritage Administration (Administrator Choi Eung-Chon) held a meeting with the Ambassadors of the 10 ASEAN Member States in Korea on September 27, at Changdeok Palace, Seoul, shared the achievements of the ‘ASEAN-ROK Working Committee on Cultural Heritage Cooperation (hereinafter ‘the Committee’), which was inaugurated last November, and discussed ways to strengthen ASEAN-ROK cultural heritage cooperation.

The Committee selected the ‘2023 ASEAN-ROK Youth Metaverse Idea Contest (Focusing on Cultural Heritage)’ as a pilot project in collaboration with the Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency (BIPA), at the 2nd Working Committee meeting held in Jakarta in May. The Committee also agreed to implement cooperation projects related to the ‘shared cultural heritage’ between ASEAN and ROK through the application to the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund (AKCF) from 2024.

ICHCAP is currently assisting the operation of the Committee and preparing for the cooperation projects related to the ‘shared cultural heritage’ between ASEAN and ROK.

The Cultural Heritage Administration held a policy meeting with ASEAN Committee in Seoul 사진1
The Cultural Heritage Administration held a policy meeting with ASEAN Committee in Seoul 사진2
The Cultural Heritage Administration held a policy meeting with ASEAN Committee in Seoul 사진3


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