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The MCISYP Vice Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Visits ROK to Cooperate on a Traditional Crafts ODA Project

Group photo (From the third on the left side, KIM Jisung, Director-General of ICHCAP; YI Kyunghoon, the Vice administrator of Cultural Heritage Administration; Ainura Askarova, Vice Minister of MCISYP) © ICHCAP
Group photo (From the third on the left side, KIM Jisung, Director-General of ICHCAP; YI Kyunghoon, the Vice administrator of Cultural Heritage Administration; Ainura Askarova, Vice Minister of MCISYP) © ICHCAP

The International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (ICHCAP) invited the delegation from the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports, and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic (MCISYP). The delegation included Ainura Askarova, the MCISYP Vice Minister. They stayed for five days from 28 August and participated events and visited organizations related to crafts for cultural cooperation.

During the invitational training, the delegation visited ICHCAP, the National Intangible Heritage Center, the Korea Culture and Tourism Institute, the Korea Craft & Design Foundation, the National Folk Museum of Korea, and the Creative Star Incubating Center to discuss ways to cooperate on policy for cultural heritage and tourism field, collaborative research on intangible cultural heritage through bilateral cooperation, and a traditional craftsman exchange program.

Also, they had an opportunity to interact with experts in cultural heritage and traditional crafts field through participation in the Cultural Heritage ODA symposium (30 August), the 2023 Cheongju Craft Biennale (31 August), and the 2023 World Forum for Intangible Cultural Heritage (1 September).

Ainura Askarova said, “I resonated with the Korean government’s efforts on preserving and promoting traditional crafts, and we can learn from the Korean regime and policy for establishing traditional craft policy in the Kyrgyz Republic.”

KIM Jisung added that “This invitational training was helpful for implementing the ODA project* the center has been conducting as it strengthened the partnership between the center and the MCISYP. I expect this will pave the way for the future cooperation on cultural heritage between the two countries.”
* (The ODA project) Promoting Cultural Tourism Industry by Capacity Building for Production a Digital Marketing of Traditional Crafts in Kyrgyz Republic (2023–2026)

The MCISYP Vice Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Visits ROK to Cooperate on a Traditional Crafts ODA Project 사진1
The MCISYP Vice Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Visits ROK to Cooperate on a Traditional Crafts ODA Project 사진2
The MCISYP Vice Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Visits ROK to Cooperate on a Traditional Crafts ODA Project 사진3
The MCISYP Vice Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Visits ROK to Cooperate on a Traditional Crafts ODA Project 사진4
The MCISYP Vice Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Visits ROK to Cooperate on a Traditional Crafts ODA Project 사진5
The MCISYP Vice Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Visits ROK to Cooperate on a Traditional Crafts ODA Project 사진6


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