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Five Countries from Asia Share "Good Practices on Sustainable Development through Traditional Crafts"

Promotional image of the publication
Promotional image of the publication "Good Practices on Sustainable Development through Traditional Crafts” © ICHCAP

ICHCAP has recently released the publication titled “Good Practices on Sustainable Development through Traditional Crafts” on 6 July 2023, funded by the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea.

This book includes ten good practices from five Asia-Pacific countries (Nepal, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, India, and Kazakhstan), selected through an international contest in 2022. Through this publication, the authors highlight the status of traditional crafts in their respective countries and showcase how traditional crafts contribute to sustainable development within communities, focusing on policies, programs, and activities such as marketing, consulting, and capacity development.

Previously overshadowed by mass-produced crafts in the market, traditional crafts have gained new importance today in the context of sustainable development, including ecosystem conservation, climate change, job creation, and economic growth. They are now acknowledged as a promising foundation, forming the basis of a new economic model based on well-being and contentment, extending beyond the realms of community sustenance and economic expansion.

The Centre aims to raise awareness of the significance of traditional crafts in this context and strengthen the network of craft experts and institutions. Moreover, the publication seeks to explore ways in which traditional crafts can be passed down in a modernized manner. Furthermore, the good practices featured in this publication can be linked to various programs of domestic and international craft-related institutions, aiming to enhance awareness of traditional crafts.

As part of these efforts, the Centre promoted the book during the “International Symposium on Sustainable Development through Traditional Crafts” held in Kyrgyzstan on 12 July 2023. The event brought together four authors who shared insights into the crafts’ status in their respective countries and the good practices featured in the publication, fostering an exchange of networks among local craft experts and institutions.

Moving forward, the Centre will continue to make every effort to contribute to the realization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through various initiatives aimed at raising awareness of ICH safeguarding. The PDF version of the publication can be accessed online on ICHCAP’s official website.



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