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Network meeting among UNESCO Category 2 Centers located in the Republic of Korea

Network meeting among UNESCO C2Cs © ICHCAP
Network meeting among UNESCO C2Cs © ICHCAP

ICHCAP organized the 2023 meeting for the council members of UNESCO category 2 centers located in Korea on 19 May 2023. The meeting was held at the National Intangible Heritage Center in Jeonju, and eight centers* attended including associate members as well as one candidate institute.
The council is made up of all the Korean UNESCO Category 2 centers that operate in various fields such as cultural heritage, education, water management, and social science. They meet at least once a year for a regular meeting to discuss various agenda items related to their operation. This year’s meeting agenda included electing a new secretariat, reviewing the status and operation of each center in 2023, and discussing cooperative projects among the Korean category 2 centers.
Additional discussions included matters on how to strengthen solidarity and develop exchanges and cooperative projects among the centers. Finally the International Center for Water Security and Sustainable Management under the auspices of UNESCO (i-WSSM) was elected as the next secretariat for the next two years.

*Eight participating organizations:
  • Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU)
  • International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (ICHCAP)
  • International Centre of Martial Arts for Youth Development and Engagement (ICM)
  • International Centre for Water Security and Sustainable Management under auspices of UNESCO (i-WSSM)
  • UNESCO International Centre for Documentary Heritage (ICDH)
  • International Centre for the Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites under the auspices of UNESCO (WHIPIC)
  • Korean National Commission for UNESCO
  • Natural Ecology Policy Division, Ministry of Environment
Network meeting among UNESCO Category 2 Centers located in the Republic of Korea 사진1
Network meeting among UNESCO Category 2 Centers located in the Republic of Korea 사진2
Network meeting among UNESCO Category 2 Centers located in the Republic of Korea 사진3


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