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ICHCAP ICH Video Documentary Series #4: Piña, Traditional Weaving Craft of the Philippines


In the Philippines, each indigenous group has a weaving tradition using different plant fibers. Among them, in the Aklan region in the central Philippines, weaving craft using unique materials has been handed down since ancient times. It is Piña weaving craft using fibers extracted from pineapple leaves.

Piña is a lightweight, delicate yet durable and very sturdy material that is one of the most preferred materials for Filipinos when making suits. The community practicing piña weaving appears to reside mainly in Kalibo, the capital of Aklan State, with a particularly concentrated in Old Buswang and New Buswang.

The production of piña fabric requires a very complex process. People from both inside and outside the community participate in the entire process, from planting pineapples, scraping the fibers off the leaves, scouring the fibers (washing under running water), weaving the fabrics and designing patterns. However, the knowledge and traditional techniques of piña loom weaving are mainly transmitted among family members, sharing the experiences and stories of the elders with skills in their daily life, and the younger generations form a sense of solidarity and pass on the tradition to the next generation.

A representative craft of Aklan's traditional craftsmanship and originality, piña is a craft with a national and community identity that Filipinos are proud of. In addition, piña fabric is a product of passion and persistence passed down from generation to generation among communities as a creative expression that fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens social cohesion among families and communities.

This Piña, Traditional Weaving Craft of the Philippines video is one of the 10 ICH video Documentary Series((Videos represent the most accurate method of capturing ICH as it exists in the real world, as well as being effective tools for communicating with the public. ICHCAP will endeavor to continue vividly documenting the scenes of ICH that are hidden across the Asia-Pacific region with the aim of raising the profile of ICH elements as treasures of humanity and introducing them to the public.)). which is the result of the collaborative project between ICHCAP and National Commission for Culture and the Arts(NCCA) in Philippines. Both organizations aim to raise visibility and strengthen the public’s access to ICH in the Philippines through this project.

Please refer to the brochure for more information on the Philippines ICH video documentary.

ICHCAP ICH Video Documentary Series #4: Piña, Traditional Weaving Craft of the Philippines 사진1
ICHCAP ICH Video Documentary Series #4: Piña, Traditional Weaving Craft of the Philippines 사진2
ICHCAP ICH Video Documentary Series #4: Piña, Traditional Weaving Craft of the Philippines 사진3
ICHCAP ICH Video Documentary Series #4: Piña, Traditional Weaving Craft of the Philippines 사진4
ICHCAP ICH Video Documentary Series #4: Piña, Traditional Weaving Craft of the Philippines 사진5
ICHCAP ICH Video Documentary Series #4: Piña, Traditional Weaving Craft of the Philippines 사진6
ICHCAP ICH Video Documentary Series #4: Piña, Traditional Weaving Craft of the Philippines 사진7


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