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The National Heritage Board (NHB) of Singapore visited ICHCAP

Mr. Alvin Tan (second from right), Mr. Samuel Lee (first on the right) © ICHCAP
Mr. Alvin Tan (second from right), Mr. Samuel Lee (first on the right) © ICHCAP

The National Heritage Board (NHB) of Singapore visited ICHCAP and had a meeting with the Director-General, Kim Ji-sung on 12 May (Thu) 2022. The participants from NHB, including Mr. Alvin Tan (Deputy Chief Executive/Policy and Community) and Mr. Samuel Lee (Assistant Manager, Heritage Conservation Center), listened to the opinions on key future strategies of ICHCAP under the leadership of the new Director-General, and discussed the future possible collaborative programmes in various fields such as ichLinks, ICH Youth Network. The two organizations also agreed to work more closely together.


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