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ICH Video Documentary Series in Thailand #1: Thai Fruit Carving

Court ladies who carves fruits and vegetables © ICHCAP
Court ladies who carves fruits and vegetables © ICHCAP

Fruit and vegetable carving is one of the remarkable traditional craft techniques in Thailand. According to the literature, the fruit carving tradition began during the ancient Sukhothai period. However, the renaissance of this craft was the Rattanakosin era as part of an effort to rebuild and revive the ancient Ayutthaya culture. The fruit and vegetable carving had been increased mainly at the royal court so that various techniques were developed at the center of the courtly culture. However, the craft was not only limited to the upper classes but was shared and settled as a technique for decorating the dishes of ordinary people. Contemporary, this traditional fruit and vegetable carving skill has been included in the vocational education curriculum in Thailand so that it helps systematic development and transmission of the craft.

This Fruit Carving video is one of the 10 ICH video Documentary Series((ICHCAP shines a light on the ICH of Asia-Pacific and introduces its value to the public through video projects depicting ICH. ICHCAP conducts joint projects with member states to portray real-life scenes of ICH alongside experts, communities, NGOs, and other stakeholders in various countries. As a result, it has produced fifty videos on the ICH of Central Asia through the phase-one joint project on Central Asia and an additional fifty videos through the phase-two video project on the ICH of Southeast Asia. These videos are being screened through broadcasting companies and at film festivals in each country, in addition to distribution via YouTube and other channels.

Videos represent the most accurate method of capturing ICH as it exists in the real world, as well as being effective tools for communicating with the public. ICHCAP will endeavor to continue vividly documenting the scenes of ICH that are hidden across the Asia-Pacific region with the aim of raising the profile of ICH elements as treasures of humanity and introducing them to the public.)) which is the result of the collaborative project between ICHCAP and Thammasat University in Thailand. Both organizations aim to raise visibility and strengthen the public's access to ICH in Thailand through this project.

Please refer to the brochure below for more information on the Thai ICH video documentary.

ICH Video Documentary Series in Thailand #1:  Thai Fruit Carving 사진1
ICH Video Documentary Series in Thailand #1:  Thai Fruit Carving 사진2
ICH Video Documentary Series in Thailand #1:  Thai Fruit Carving 사진3
ICH Video Documentary Series in Thailand #1:  Thai Fruit Carving 사진4


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