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ICH Courier Online, a Way to Get Closer to ICH in the Asia-Pacific Region

ICH Courier Online
ICH Courier Online

ICH Courier Online (https://ichcourier.unesco-ichcap.org)

ICHCAP (Director-General Gi Hyung Keum) has completely renewed ICH Courier Online, and will introduce it to the subscribers around the world from March.

The ICH Courier is a quarterly magazine specializing in the field of ICH and has been since 2009. It is one of ICHCAP's representative projects. Through this quarterly, the Centre delivers discourses and the latest news on ICH in the Asia-Pacific region and introduces various living heritage of the forty-eight UNESCO Member States in the region. The Centre intends to share with its subscribers around the world the activities and efforts of communities and related organizations to safeguard ICH through the quarterly magazine.

The renewed ICH Courier Online tries to provide information intuitively on major ICH information in accordance with the users’ conveniences. In addition, information can be easily searched by applying intuitive content composition and UI.

A new online subscription application function was added and a viewing corner for each ICH theme was newly established, enabling more convenient access to ICH information. The Centre hopes that the ICH Courier Online will make it easier for subscribers to get closer to ICH. The Center also hopes that such efforts will contribute to raising awareness of ICH and ultimately serve as a foundation for the safeguarding and transmission of ICH in the Asia Pacific.


All issues of the ICH Courier are available on the web page and can be downloaded for free.

Online and offline subscription applications are available at https://ichcourier.unesco-ichcap.org/subscribe/.


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