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Third APHEN-ICH International Seminar to Be Held Online on 18 and 19 February

Information card
Information card

ICHCAP is hosting the third APHEN-ICH((The Asia-Pacific Higher Education Network for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage (APHEN-ICH) was launched in September 2018 with the support of ICHCAP and UNESCO Bangkok Office to establish a cooperative system for the development of higher education. At its inauguration, APHEN-ICH nominated the Korea National University of Cultural Heritage to be its first secretariat institution. As of 2021, nineteen higher education institutions are affiliated to the Network, such as Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Korea), Kyoto University (Japan), Beijing Normal University (China), and Thammasat University (Thailand) to name a few.)) International Seminar dubbed as ‘Diversity and Distinctiveness: Looking into Shared ICH in the Asia-Pacific’ on 18 and 19 February from 15:00 to 17:00 (KST) in cooperation with the UNESCO Bangkok Office and Korea National University of Cultural Heritage (KNUCH).

The first seminar of APHEN-ICH was held in 2018. For the present edition, diversity of and shared ICH in the region would be the central theme, featuring twelve presentations from scholars and experts on cultural heritage and relevant areas of study. In Session 1, which will be held from 15:00. on 18February, lacquer experts from Maldives, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, and Myanmar will discuss the status and development of lacquer in each country. In Session 2, which will be held at the same time on 19 February, various examples of ICH shared across regions and countries will be examined and discussed, in an exhibit to analyze not only the diversity of living heritage in the region but also its values that promote unity and national, international, and regional cooperation.

The second General Meeting for APHEN-ICH will take place the day before the international seminar. Representatives from the nineteen member institutions will gather to discuss various agenda, principally the future plans of the network.

ICHCAP will continue to carry out cooperative projects such as academic conferences, curriculum development, and joint research programs to strengthen the relationship among member institutions of APHEN-ICH.

The third APHEN-ICH International Seminar will be broadcasted live on the Cultural Heritage Administration, Korea National University of Cultural Heritage, and ICHCAP’s official YouTube channels as well as ICHCAP’s Facebook page. All audiences are welcome to participate.

[YouTube Channel]
- Kor.: https://youtu.be/g6UTGXkSP7I (KNUCH)
- Eng.: https://youtu.be/LnXJ5LaL9VY (ICHCAP)

- Kor.: https://youtu.be/7pO0rE_qAJI (KNUCH)
- Eng.: https://youtu.be/Vua2bPLE6bM (ICHCAP)

[Facebook Link]
- 2.18.(Today): https://fb.me/e/1WlUodJeJ
- 2.19.(Tomorrow): https://fb.me/e/74EZ4nlpE

Registration: bit.ly/3cjBXsS

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