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UNESCO and ICHCAP Hold Webinar “Monitoring Living Heritage in Education: Contributing to Heritage Safeguarding and to Achieving SDG 4”

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UNESCO, in collaboration with ICHCAP, will hold an online seminar on 26 January from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. in Paris time on the subject of ‘Intangible Heritage Monitoring in Education: Contributing to Heritage Safeguarding and to Achieving SDG4.’ This seminar is sponsored by the Cultural Heritage Administration of the Republic of Korea.

Experts in the fields of intangible heritage and education, UNESCO Headquarters, and regional offices gathered in December 2020 to unpack the education related indicators of the Overall Result Framework for the 2003 Convention for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. The webinar will share the results of the expert meeting and interpret the relationship between each indicator and the Sustainable Development Goal 4. Also, they look into the ways for raising awareness about monitoring ICH in, about and through education and have a glance for tips and examples for writing the periodic reports of the State Parties.

The session will be co-moderated by Ms. Janet Blake, the lead expert of the webinar, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Shahid Beheshti in Iran and Ms. Susanne Schnüttgen from Living Heritage Entity, UNESCO. Experts from cultural heritage and education will also participate as a panel. The webinar will be structured in three parts: (i) Introduction to the topic, including a brief presentation on the education-related indicators used under the 2003 Convention and an expert interview on their importance for safeguarding living heritage and for attaining SDG 4; (ii) Discussion of concrete examples (iii) Q&A session with lead experts and participants.

Through pre-registration, it is also possible to connect directly to Zoom. The live streaming in English, French, Spanish and Korean will also be available through ICHCAP’s YouTube channel. Additional information is available HERE.


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