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  • Date30 Dec 2020
ICHCAP participated in an MoU signing with the Indonesian Heritage Cities Network
ICHCAP participated in an MoU signing with the Indonesian Heritage Cities Network

ICHCAP participated in an MoU signing with the Indonesian Heritage Cities Network (Jaringan Kota Pusaka Indonesia or JKPI). The Director-General of ICHCAP, Keum Gi Hyung and Presidium Chairman DRS H. Alfedri, M. Si signed the MoU via a video conference at 11:00 am on 21 December 2020. The JKPI is a governmental organization founded by Indonesian President Joko Widodo in 2008 to safeguard cultural heritage and network cooperation in Indonesia and is striving to safeguard cultural heritage, cultural diversity, and cultural understanding among Indonesian cities. This agreement, which was opened by ICHCAP and the JKPI, was held online from Jakarta, Indonesia, and Jeonju, Korea, through a Zoom video conference. The heads of each institution signed the agreement and exchanged ideas on how to jointly collaborate on various activities, such as sharing and using information related to intangible cultural heritage, jointly holding seminars and workshops in the field of cultural heritage, and holding international conferences and festivals related to cultural heritage for the purpose of cooperating and building networks to safeguard intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific region. At the signing ceremony, Director-General Keum of ICHCAP said, “We look forward to mutual exchanges amid the difficulties of Corona-19 and look forward to various cooperation projects going forward.”

In addition, Seong-Yong Park, Assistant Director-General and Director of ICHCAP and the Director of ICHCAP’s Office of Strategic Development, gave a keynote presentation on the theme of “Exploring Collaborative Work Between ICHCAP and JKPI.” Other speakers included Dr H AS Thamin, MH; Drs. H. Alfedri, M. Si; and Professor Janet Blake.


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