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Campaign relay to overcome COVID-19

Campaign relay to overcome COVID-19 of ICHCAP ©  ICHCAP
Campaign relay to overcome COVID-19 of ICHCAP © ICHCAP

We are faced with unexpected difficulties because of this crisis, but we are not backing down. We are doing our best to overcome the pandemic with united minds and a common goal.

We sincerely thank medical practitioners, government ministries, local government officials, and the public all over the world for their efforts to overcome COVID-19. Your combined efforts are always remembered and greatly appreciated.

All the members of ICHCAP continue gathering their hearts closer to each other until the end of COVID-19. We hope we will have become stronger people and more responsible communities by the time we could return to our daily lives. We strongly believe that we will win over this crisis with wisdom, positivity, and a shared sense of survival. It is important at this moment that we religiously nourish our body and mind. Let this message convey hope and strength to the rest of the world.

For more information click here.


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