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ICHCAP Signed an MOU with Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage to Promote Professional Exchange

The participants of Smithsonian 50th Forklife Festival (2017) Ⓒ Smithsonian Center for Forklife and Cultural Heritage
The participants of Smithsonian 50th Forklife Festival (2017) Ⓒ Smithsonian Center for Forklife and Cultural Heritage

ICHCAP has entered an MOU with the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage (Director Michael Atwood Mason) (hereinafter the 'Center') for cultural sustainability professional exchange.

Under the MOU, ICHCAP will work with the Center on activities aimed to promote and raise awareness of ICH, and the MOU offers professional exchange opportunities for ICHCAP staff, allowing them to go to the Centre in Washington, D.C, to work on related research and build knowledge in the field.

The two institutions have agreed to produce meaningful outcomes through collaborative project and professional exchange in the field of ICH in the field.

This MOU will be effective for five years starting from 17 January 2020. This year, ICHCAP will send its employees to the Center to strengthen the network between the two institutions, and it also plans to develop such partnership as a collaborative model for ICH.


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